The Journal of Communication Technology (JoCTEC) is an official journal of the Communication Technology division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC).

Volume 1 to Volume 5 (migrated from the previous journal website)

Volume 5 Issue 3

Wu, M., & Bien-Aimé, S. (2022). Drab to fab: Examining the effects of perceived coolness on news consumption on social media. Journal of Communication Technology, 5(3), 1-26.

Srinivasan, P., Oeldorf-Hirsch, A., & Joergensen, G. (2022). “Attention! It’s the News.” Cognitive load and news posts on Facebook: An eye-tracking study. Journal of Communication Technology, 5(3), 27-52.

Lee, Y-J., Park, M., Silva, D. E., & Joo, J. (2022). Power users’ branded virtual reality experience: A preliminary study. Journal of Communication Technology, 5(3), 53-77.

Liu, J. (2022). Framing social credit system: An experimental investigation of social credit system’s chilling effect on freedom of expression. Journal of Communication Technology, 5(3), 78-102.

Volume 5 Issue 2

Volume 5 Issue 1

Volume 4 Issue 3: Special Issue of Communication Technology and Well-being (Part 2)

Introducing the Special Issue of Communication Technology and Well-Being (Part II) [Editor’s Note]

Hunt, D.S., & Krishnan, A. (2021). Disentangling the role of social networking attitudes and use on emotional well-being. Journal of Communication Technology, 4(3), 1-24.

Bunz, U. (2021). Investigating the relationship between social media use, big five personality, and well-being. Journal of Communication Technology, 4(3), 25-52.

Silva, D.E., & Brickman, J. (2021). Control dimensions of media task-switching and emotional well-being. Journal of Communication Technology, 4(3), 53-79.

King, A. (2021). Tomorrowland around the world 2020: A virtual pilgrimage. Journal of Communication Technology, 4(3), 80-103.

Book Reviews:

Hessler, J. (2021). Review of Netflix at the nexus: Content, practice, and production in the age of streaming television [Book Review]. Journal of Communication Technology, 4(3), 104-109.

Kikerpill, K. (2021). Human-machine communication: Rethinking communication, technology, and ourselves [Book Review]. Journal of Communication Technology, 4(3), 110-114.

Rudnicka-Lavoie, D. (2021). Microgenre: A quick look at small culture [Book Review]. Journal of Communication Technology, 4(3), 115-121.

Volume 4 Issue 2

Chow-White, P. A., Al-Rawi, A., Lusoli, A., & Phan, V. T. A. (2021). Social construction of blockchain on social media: Framing public discourses on Twitter. Journal of Communication Technology, 4(2), 1-31.

Xu, X., Wu, T-Y., & Atkin D. J. (2021). Effects of website credibility and brand trust on responses to online behavioral advertising. Journal of Communication Technology, 4(2), 32-57.

Carpenter, C. J., & Spottswood, E. L. (2021). Extending the hyperpersonal model to observing others: The hyperperception model. Journal of Communication Technology, 4(2), 58-81.

Wang, R., Yang, J., & Asser, L. (2021). User experience (UX) matters: What are the most desired skills in the UX designer and UX research job ads. Journal of Communication Technology, 4(2), 82-105.

Book Reviews:

Gawel, H. (2021). The Dark Side of Media and Technology: A 21st Century Guide to Media and Technological Literacy [Book Review]. Journal of Communication Technology, 4(2), 106-110.

Stones, E. (2021). Ethics for a Digital Age (Vol. II) [Book Review]. Journal of Communication Technology, 4(2), 111-116.

Volume 4 Issue 1: Special Issue of Communication Technology and Well-being (Part 1)

Introducing the Special Issue of Communication Technology and Well-Being (Part I) [Editor’s Note]

Young, A., Lachlan, K.A., Young, R.C. (2021). OK, Google, tell me about birth control: Sentiment analysis of anti- and pro-birth control headlines and snippets. Journal of Communication Technology, 4(1), 1-27.

Johnson, B.K. (2021). Look up, look down: Articulating inputs and outputs of social media social comparison. Journal of Communication Technology, 4(1), 28-53. 2021-003

Yu, V., Alvarez, K. P. B., & Chen, V. H. H. (2021). Game streamers’ practices on Twitch and management of well-being. Journal of Communication Technology, 4(1), 54-77.

Kallis, R. (2021). Creating a future relationship or destroying my self-esteem? An exploratory study on dating app experiences and well-being. Journal of Communication Technology, 4(1), 78-100.

Book Reviews:

Liberman, C.J. (2021). Growing up on Facebook [Book Review]. Journal of Communication Technology, 4(1), 101-105.

Moody, K. (2021). Locally played: Real-world games for stronger places and communities [Book Review]. Journal of Communication Technology, 4(1), 106-111.

Volume 3 Issue 1

Volume 2 Issue 1

Wu, L. (2019). Does customization benefit brand evaluation when consumers experience psychological uncertainty? Journal of Communication Technology, 2(1), 1-35.

Fuller, M., Atkin, D., McGloin, R. & Embacher, K. (2019). Hey, nice run!: Exploring factors related to exercise, self-monitoring and motives for exercise app use. Journal of Communication Technology, 2(1), 36-73.

Bradshaw, A. (2019). First-time mothers: For vaccine questions, consult your peers on Facebook. Journal of Communication Technology, 2(1), 74-112.

Volume 1 Issue 1

Groshek, J. (2018). No, you probably don’t touch your phone 2,617 times per day: A rationale for the Journal of Communication Technology. Journal of Communication Technology, 1(1), 1-5.

Ivory, J. D. (2018). With many looking to us for better answers, we must answer carefully: A call for methodological reform in research on effects of communication technology. Journal of Communication Technology, 1(1), 6-19.

Bucy, E. P. (2018). The calibration problem: ICT complexity and average user competencies. Journal of Communication Technology, 1(1), 20-42.

DiStaso, M. W. (2018). Communication challenges in cybersecurity. Journal of Communication Technology, 1(1), 43-60.

Schaefer, R. (2018). The use of data visualizations for analyzing social trends. Journal of Communication Technology, 1(1), 61-76.

Ahmed, W. (2018). Using social media data for research: An overview of tools. Journal of Communication Technology, 1(1), 77-94.