The Journal of Communication Technology (JoCTEC) is an official journal of the Communication Technology division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC).
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Hey, Nice Run!: Exploring Factors Related to Exercise, Self-Monitoring and Motives for Exercise App Use
Michael Fuller
Consultant, Tempe AZ
David Atkin
University of Connecticut
Rory McGloin
University of Connecticut
Kimberly Embacher
Rhode Island College
Citation: Fuller, M., Atkin, D., McGloin, R. & Embacher, K. (2019). Hey, nice run!: Exploring factors related to exercise, self-monitoring and motives for exercise app use. Journal of Communication Technology, 2(1), 36-73.
Abstract: The present study tests a multifaceted model that explains exercise app use motives in relation to uses and gratifications as well as emotional and social support factors. A hybrid model based on Uses and Gratifications theory and self-efficacy perspectives was used to examine exercise app use. Gratifications for competition, self-monitoring, and informational and emotional social support were modeled. Structural equation modeling results provide qualified support for a comprehensive path model identifying the role of self-monitoring and personal goal achievement in smartphone exercise app use. The predicted roles for personal goal achievement and exercise app use received support, with personal goal achievement predicting exercise app use. These findings may contribute to the health communication literature through the creation and validation of self-monitoring and exercise app self-efficacy scales.